翁梁源 Weng Liang_Yuan
轉生術-白子重生 Rebirth
數位版 Digital Print
◆ CurrentAssociate Professor and Head of Department of Arts and Creativity, Hsuan ChuangUniversity, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
◆ 多年來主要從事數位影像繪畫的媒材表現,近年開始透過水彩及複合媒材的創作,將影像繪畫的創作經驗融入了純手繪媒材表現。
◆ He has mainly engaged in the media expression of digital image painting for many years. In recent years, he has integrated the creative experience of digital image painting into pure hand-painted media expression through the creation of watercolor and mixed media.
◆ 從2014年至今個展及聯展計三十餘次,出版翁梁源作品集(數位影像繪畫藝術)。
◆ Since 2014, there have been more than 30 solo and group exhibitions, and published works of Weng Liang Yuan (digital image painting art)
◆ 作品「等待方舟」登入中華民國教育部109新課綱國中藝術八上的課本介紹。
◆ The work "Waiting for the Ark" is listed in the junior high school textbook introduction of the 2020 new syllabus of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China.
2016 / 01,「翁梁源2016方舟轉生術」,郭木生美術中心,台北,台灣
◆ 2016 / 01,“ArkReincarnation by Weng Liang-Yuan”, Guo Mu Sheng Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
◆ 2018 / 07,「德國INSIDE artzine收錄藝術家作品聯展」,Vanilla Gallery香草藝廊,
◆ 2018 / 07, "German INSIDE artzine Collection Exhibition", Vanilla Gallery,Tokyo, Japan.
◆ 2019 / 09,「活水-2019桃園國際水彩雙年展」,桃園文化局 , 桃園,台灣
◆ 2019 / 09, "Flowing Water-2019 Taoyuan International Watercolor Biennale", Taoyuan Cultural Bureau, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
◆ 2020 / 7 ,國美館「版印潮」國際版畫主題展,台中,台灣
◆ 2020 / 7, International Printmaking Theme Exhibition “The Craze for Print"National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan.
◆ 2019 / 02,「宇宙連環圖」當代藝術展,桃園市展演中心,桃園,台灣
◆ 2019 / 02, "Universe Comics" Contemporary Art Exhibition, Taoyuan City Exhibition Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
◆ 2019 / 10 「108年全國美術展」,水彩類,銀牌獎。
◆ 2019 / 10“2019 National Art Exhibition", watercolor category, silver medal.
◆ 2018 / 12 「俄羅斯Каталогвыставки GLRY, осень 2018.」 國際線上展覽競賽。3 место - Weng Liang-Yuan (第三名- 翁梁源) Специальныйпризжюри - Weng Liang-Yuan(評審團特別獎 - 翁梁源)
◆ 2018/12 "Russia КаталогвыставкиGLRY, осень2018." International online exhibition competition.3 место-Weng Liang-Yuan (3rd place- Weng Liang-yuan) Специальныйпризжюри-Weng Liang-Yuan (Special Jury Award-Weng Liang-yuan)