張正仁 Chang Cheng Jen

前進 Get Going
絹印、拼貼 Silkscreen, Collage
國立台北藝術大學美術系教授 AS the Professor of Taipei National University of the Arts.
1988~90 擔任台灣十青版畫會第七任會長
1984 美國紐約市立大學市學院美研所碩士畢業
1977 國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業
1953 出生於臺北,臺灣
1998-90 As the 7th Director of the Evergreen Graphic Association
1984 M.F.A. (painting and Printmaking) of City College of
New York City University ,U.S.A. 1997 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of N.T.N.U.Taipei
1953 Born in Taipei , Taiwan
2006 漂流於形、質之間 國立臺灣美術館 台中
2005 平行.漂流 大趨勢畫廊 台北
2001 張正仁個展 : 潛形者之塵世航行 ; 台北縣政府文化局特展室 台北 1999 張正仁個展 : 穿越塵世 ; 臻品藝術中心 台中 1991 張正仁個展 : 經驗.肢解 ; 二號公寓 台北 1985 張正仁創作展 : 媒體..書寫 .裝置 ; 美國文化中心 台北
2006 “Parallelism Ⅱ”(National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts .Taichung )
2005 “Parallism”(Main Trend Gallery, Taipei)
2001 "An Artist Exiled Himself Inside this World" Mixed Media by Chang Cheng Jen,2001 (Gallery of cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei county,Taipei
1999 "Through This World, Through This Metropolis. (I)"Paint ings & Mixed Media by Chang Cheng Jen , 1999 (Galerie Pierre ,Taichung )
1991 "Experience . Disintegration " Paintings and Mixed Media by Chang Cheng Jen , (Space II,Taipei)
1985 "Oil and Acrylic Paintings in Installations by Chang Cheng Jen "
(American CultureCenter,Taipei) 2002 獲頒中華民國版晝學會金璽獎
1992 獲頒中華民國版畫學會金爵獎
2002 Awarded Golden Nobility Prize of Prints in the Art Association of Taiwan
Awarded Creation Prize of Prints in the Art Association
1992 Awarded Golden Nobility Prize of Prints in the Art Association of Taiwan ,R.O.C.